Caradeniz Wrist Rules | Wrist Fracture Screening
Although only 39% of patients presenting to the emergency department with wrist trauma have sustained a fracture, the majority of patients are routinely referred back for radiography. For this reason, the Caradeniz wrist rules were developed in order to decrease the number of x-rays in suspected distal radius, distal ulna and carpal bone fractures within 24 hours after acute wrist traumas.
According to Karaca et al. (2016), the Caradeniz wrist rules have a sensitivity of 100% and a low specificity of 6.6 % in the detection of wrist fractures. These results have not been externally validated yet, which is why we give the rule a moderate clinical value to rule out wrist fractures.
The Decision Rule contains the following items. Due to their provocative nature, we propose the following order:
- Ask your patient to perform active dorsiflexion of the wrist
- Ask your patient to perform active radial deviation
- Palpate the distal ulna for sensitivity
- The radioulnar drawer test: Stabilize your patient’s distal radius with the dorsum of his hand facing upwards. Then apply alternating dorsal-volar stress to the distal ulna. This test is positive if you patient reports pain or if there is increased movement compared with the other side.
- Axial compression tests: Hold on to the metacarpal bone and give axial pressure on the rapezium and scaphoid. Perform the same axial pressure with the metacarpal bones 2 – 5.
All of the 5 items are considered positive if pain is provoked. In the radioulnar drawer test, an increased amplitude of movement compared to the other side is considered as a positive test as well.
In case all 5 items are negative, a fracture of the radius, ulna, and carpal bones could be ruled out with 100% confidence in the study of Karaca et al. (2016).
If you want to screen for fractures in other body parts, check out the list below:
- Elbow Extension Test (Elbow)
- Supine Sign (Thoracic Spine)
- Closed-Fist Percussion Test
- Patellar Pubic Percussion Test (Hip)
- Fulcrum Test (Femur)
- Ottawa Knee Rules (Knee)
- Ottawa Ankle Rules (Ankle & Foot)
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