Podcast Podcast 21 May 2021

Episode 22: Shockwave




Paul hobrough

Paul Hobrough

Paul Hobrough is a physiotherapist who began his journey into the use of shockwave as part of his treatment when working with elite athletes as a means to facilitate the healing process. From there he began his journey into further developing his own skill set & knowledge base with shockwave, ultimately coming to the point where he is now teaching and attending conferences as a guest speaker on the topic.


How can shockwave help?

This time we speak to Paul Hobrough, a leading expert in shockwave, physiotherapist and educator on the topic. Paul has worked with some of the elites in sports and we talk to him on just how much the addition of Shockwave into his physiotherapeutic practise has helped boost positive outcomes for his patients and speed up recovery times in both acute and chronic pathologies. As well as this Paul gives us a small guided tour around what is thought to be the mechanism of action so that you can also better explain to your patients what’s going on, and why we’re using this tool. We also discuss where shockwave research is heading and the positive outcomes it has so far produced when used in neurological patients!! Listen in to find out more!


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