Podcast|May 21, 2021

Episode 21: Return to sport & Tendinopathy

Rts & tendons



Enda king

Enda King

Enda King is a researcher, educator and sports specialist physiotherapist from Ireland working with elite athletes from all over the globe from different sports – from Premier League football to the NFL, NBA to Hurling and many, many more.


When… and how, do we get people back on field after tendinopathy!?

On This episode we talk with Enda Kind, a physiotherapist, S&C specialist, researcher and educator. We get to talk with him about what successful rehabilitation and return to sport/function entails, which aspects are relevant for you as a physiotherapist to return a player back in top shape when returning from tendinopathy rehabilitation. In addition we look at how you can work on movement patterns, segmental control within the kinetic chain as well as tips on coaching your patients to optimise outcomes, and how treating just the pathology might be the reason why a patient might not be making the expected improvements – listen in to find out more!


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