Lower Limb Orthopedics & Communication

Ahmad Malik
Ahmad is a specialist consultant for foot and ankles often giving second opinions as well as being a patient advocate in whether or not a patient truly needs surgery or not. With over two decades of experience Dr Malik shares with us some nuggets of wisdom he has developed over the years as well as some pearls that he believes are of the utmost important as healthcare professionals.
Lower limb Orthopedics & Communication
On this edition of the podcast we talk with Dr Ahmad Malik, foot & ankle orthopedic consultant. We start the discussion looking at surgeries, what constitutes a good or bad candidate for surgery as well as reactions to metal work after the fact. In addition to that, we discuss the importance of listening to your patients and fully exploring their situation and not just writing them off as a complaining patient or the classic “get over it” sort of answer! It’s something that we as healthcare professionals should value very highly and a conversation that everyone can take something from, however it’s safe to say given the conversations I’ve had with both patients and fellow colleagues as a result of the podcast that not all healthcare professionals take the time to fully hear what their patient is telling them!