Episode 17: Concussions & Soft skills

Natasha Wilch & Molly Parker
Natasha & Molly are both previous guests & founders of the Concussion compass – a tool for concussion patients to utilise as part of their rehabilitation so that when in clinic patients can focus on their rehab. More can be found out on them individually within their separate podcasts!
What are the soft skills that make you stand out?
This episode is a little different to the norm – I talk to both Molly and Natasha about concussions and their varied experiences on rehab from the patients perspective and the clinicians – what skills can help you stand out in the crowd and where the soft skills become invaluable in helping your patient deal with their injury. We also discuss their upcoming concussion call and the relevance for both clinicians to improve their understanding and shape their practise and those living with concussions on how to better deal with potential complications as well as dealing with the holidays!