Podcast|May 20, 2021

Episode 10: Diagnostics, lower back pain & the SIJ




Mark laslett

Mark Laslett

Mark Laslett is a physiotherapist, researcher, educator and an expert in lower back and SIJ complaints, as an international lecturer Mark has more than 50 years clinical experience and the man behind the infamous cluster of Laslett, he has conducted and refined research and data that has proven to be invaluable in the development of the physiotherapy world.


So, we can palpate movement in the SIJ… right?

In this edition of the Physiotutors podcast we talk with Mark Laslett about diagnostics and it’s role within physiotherapy, how treating it as a distinct science can help improve your practise. In addition to this we discuss lower back pain and sacroiliac joint issues. Talking with Mark you can feel his passion for physiotherapy and over 50 years of experience both in clinic and conducting research. Mark talks us through some of the research he has conducted and the impact it has had on his practise!


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