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ENPHE Thesis Award Winner!

Enphe award

The ENPHE Conference took place from September 15th – 17th in Graz, Austria 2016. Each year, a price is awarded to the best Physiotherapy Bachelor’s thesis. Last year a thesis from the European School of Physiotherapy won 1st price already.
As you might have seen on our social media outlets , we were one of the Top 5 shortlisted candidates for this year’s thesis award.
This Friday, we received great news from the committee: WE WON 1st PLACE! 

Enphe award1

We were pleasantly surprised with our official certificate and prize money during our tutoring seminar we give to first year students on Tuesdays!

Enphe award2

This makes us extremely happy as it is a great reward for the efforts we put into the thesis and product (e-learning environment).
If you want to know more about it, watch the presentation below. You can download the thesis paper by clicking here

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