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Take advantage of this unique collaboration between Physiotutors and Rehab with Roni! Gain access to high-quality online courses, masterclasses, research reviews and tools, specifically designed to enhance your physiotherapy skills. Enjoy an exclusive discount on premium subscriptions and online courses, available only for followers of Rehab with Roni!


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  • Access to all masterclasses, research reviews, and podcasts
  • Premium tools like our A.I. Clinical Assistant and technique libraries
  • Unlimited credits to access exclusive content
  • And more coming soon!
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Become a certified specialist in your field:

  • Learn from world-class experts with courses rooted in the latest research and clinical evidence
  • Gain actionable skills and techniques designed to integrate seamlessly into your daily physiotherapy practice
  • Study anytime, anywhere with our user-friendly platform, tailored to your schedule
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  • Community & Expertise: Connect with peers, join live events, and engage with experts to enhance your knowledge & skills in a supportive environment.
  • Continuous Improvement: Easily integrate research findings, assessments, and clinical techniques into your practice, ensuring better patient outcomes.
  • Track your progress: Our gamified learning experience motivates you to stay on track. Expand your streak & collect badges on your journey to become a better clinician.
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  • Enjoy unlimited access to research reviews, masterclasses, event recordings, and access to our tools
  • Unlimited access to blogs, multi-language podcasts & live events, Library with bookmarks, text highlights, custom folders & history
  • Unlimited access to our A.I. Clinical Assistant, Assessment and Manual Therapy tools, Clinical Patterns, Podcast downloads, Text-to-speech function
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Go beyond the membership: Enjoy Certified, Unique Courses with our renowned Experts

Choose from our collection of online courses made with internationally renowned experts. Experience a full-fledged course experience in our award-winning platform.

  • Study at your own pace
  • Get accreditation points in the Netherlands, Belgium, USA, Germany, UK, Australia, and more to come
  • Receive a personalized certificate of completion for your CPD
  • Enjoy unlimited course access
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Frequently asked questions

Our online physiotherapy courses are asynchronous, meaning that there are no live sessions that you need to attend or deadlines that you have to take into account. You are free to learn whenever you find time and motivation and you can take as long as you need*

*Online course access ranges from up to 1 year to unlimited depending on the course

This depends on the online course you choose. For some you will get access for 1 year, others are unlimited.

Yes! We strive to update each online course about once per year in order to keep up with newly released research

Online courses currently on the market take various shapes and forms. The content delivery and learning outcomes thus vary drastically. We have evaluated close to all online physiotherapy courses on the market today and the cost difference you see on the surface is mainly to be attributed to the production value and extent of the course. Remotely recorded webinar-type masterclasses of a couple hours should not be compared to more immersive online courses we offer.

Our online physiotherapy courses are different from any other online course. We have been awarded the ENPHE award for the best Bachelor’s thesis in Europe about blended learning where we researched how online courses have to be designed to guarantee a superior learning experience. Based on this knowledge our online courses usually take about 6-12 months to create, include different types of media (text, graphs, screencasts, demonstration videos) are interactive (quizzes, video quizzes, assignments, interactive elements, credit system), and have superior audiovisual quality to any other online courses

As a rough guideline, the price is based on the number of hours of content. Smaller courses of around 12-14 hours cost around €299, while some bigger courses with around 40 hours of content are priced for around €549. Be aware that this is still about 50-80% cheaper than what you would pay for an offline course with the same amount of content – hotel and travel costs not included.

We offer €100 off on any online course if you can send us an official proof of enrolment in a full time Bachelor’s or Master’s program. Simply send an email to with your proof of enrollment and we will set you up with a discount.

Yes! We have created a form on this page to request a custom quote for a course package for clinics or universities wanting to purchase multiple course seats at once.

No. However, we handle a 48h refund policy. If the online course you purchased is not what you expected, just send us an email to and we will refund your money. P.S. Be aware that this refund policy excludes people who are trying to buy an online course and try to finish it for free within 48h. We are able to track activity in the course and will not refund if we see that this is the case.

We handle a 48h “no questions asked” refund policy. If the online course you purchased is not what you expected, just send us an email to and we will refund your money.P.S. Be aware that this refund policy excludes people who are trying to buy an online course and try to finish it for free within 48h. We are able to track activity in the course and will not refund if we see that this is the case.

We submit all of our physiotherapy courses for accreditation in the Netherlands with the KRF/KNGF and Keurmerk and with Pro-Q-Kiné in Belgium. Details for each course can be found in the CPD/CEU section of each course.

In the UK and Australia our online courses can be regarded as formal continuing education activities and you can use your CPD Certificate as proof of the activity.

For Germany and Austria we can provide a personalized certificate and award Fortbildungspunkte. Our course design complies with the rules for continuing education courses. This however is no guarantee that the certificate will be accepted.

We have found that accreditation plays a smaller role in other countries. If accreditation is important for you and your country is not listed, please get in touch with us via (ideally with a link to the accreditation procedure) and we will do our best to get accredited in your country as well.

Yes, all of our online courses are fully compatible with mobile devices and tablets and are optimized for mobile devices.

We understand that our online physiotherapy courses are steeply priced for health professionals from low income countries. This has to do with the amount of effort and costs that are connected to the production of the courses and pricing them lower would not make them profitable for us anymore.

We recommend you to try our Physiotutors App that offers hundreds of free learning resources and a premium membership at a price point that is affordable worldwide.

Our online physiotherapy courses make use of different types of media from text and graphs/tables to screencasts, demonstration videos to active elements such as video quizzes, multiple-choice exams, interactive assignments, paper cases, etc.Based on the results of our award-winning thesis, it has been shown that video as the sole medium is not an effective way for students to learn. We also believe that hour-long videos are tiring and boring and will lead to inferior learning outcomes. That’s why we build interactive elements into each of our online courses.

Completing a course means that you have marked all course units as completed and that you have passed the online course exams (>70% correct answers). Then you will be able to see a course certificate in your personal profile.

KNGF: Please send us an email to once you have finished the course. Include your BIG number

Keurmerk: Please send us an email to once you have finished the course. Include your BIG number

ProQ-Kiné: Please send us an email to once you have finished the course. Include your RIZIV number

USA: Please send us an email to once you have finished the course.

Germany: Please send us an email to once you have finished the course. Include your date of birth in the email.

Austria: Please send us an email to once you have finished the course. Include your date of birth in the email.

Yes! You will get a certificate for the completion of an online course as soon as you have marked all course units as completed and you have passed the online course exams (>70% correct answers). After you click on “Finish Course”, you will be able to see a course certificate in your personal profile.

Our online courses are entirely translated into 4 different languages. These are French, German, Spanish and Dutch. All texts inside the online courses are translated and the videos feature subtitles in the aforementioned languages. For more information regarding translated content on please visit this page

Yes, all of our courses have accreditation for CEUs in the majority of states in the USA.

What states are approved?

  • Alabama
  • Alaska
  • Arizona
  • Arkansas
  • California
  • Colorado
  • Connecticut
  • Delaware
  • District of Columbia
  • Florida
  • Georgia
  • Hawaii
  • Idaho
  • Illinois
  • Indiana
  • Iowa
  • Kansas
  • Kentucky
  • Maine
  • Massachusetts
  • Michigan
  • Mississippi
  • Missouri*
  • Montana
  • Nebraska
  • New Hampshire
  • New Mexico
  • New York
  • North Carolina
  • North Dakota
  • Oregon
  • Oklahoma
  • Pennsylvania
  • Rhode Island
  • South Carolina
  • South Dakota
  • Tennessee
  • Utah
  • Vermont
  • Virginia
  • Washington
  • Wisconsin
  • Wyoming

The courses are subcontracted to Redefine Health Education. RHE is a registered CE approval agency of the PT Board of California, a rule-approved CE provider of the PT Board of Florida (#50-32784), a licensed CE sponsor of physical therapy continuing education by the Illinois Department of Financial & Professional Regulation (IDFPR #216.000360), an approved continuing competence provider by the APTA North Carolina (#22-0729-033), an approved CE provider of the PT Board of New Mexico, and an approved CE provider of the PT Board of Oklahoma (#BAP202310010) and recognized by the New York State Education Department’s State Board for Physical Therapy as an approved sponsor of PT/PTA continuing education. In addition to the aforementioned jurisdictions, courses approved by other state boards & APTA chapters will be accepted for licensure credit in all the jurisdictions listed on this webpage, pursuant to regulation: If you have a specific question about CE credit for the courses in your state, please direct your inquiry including the course title in which you are interested, to

Ja, wir vergeben ein Zertifikat mit den benötigten Informationen zur Schulung. Hierfür bitten wir unsere Teilnehmer:Innen mit uns nach erfolgreichem Abschluss des Kurses Kontakt aufzunehmen. Bitte sende uns auch dein Geburtsdatum für das Zertifikat.

Wir weisen zudem auf die folgende Stellungnahme hin:

Gemäß den Rahmenempfehlungen nach § 125 Abs. 1 SGB V sind die Praxisinhaber/fachlichen Leiter einer nach § 124 SGB V zugelassenen Praxis verpflichtet, sich regelmäßig fortzubilden. In den Rahmenempfehlungen, die die Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft der Heilmittelverbände e.V. als Dachverband der Heilmittelverbände gemäß § 125 Abs. 1 SGB V mit den Spitzenverbänden der Krankenkassen beschlossen hat, ist die Dauer der Fortbildung, die in einem vierjährigen Rhythmus nachzuweisen ist, mit 60 Punkten (1 Punkt entspricht dabei einer Unterrichtseinheit von 45 Minuten) festgelegt. Allerdings dauern die Verhandlungen mit den Primärkassen (z.B. AOK, BKK, IKK, Knappschaft) über den Umfang der Anerkennung so genannter strittiger Fortbildungsinhalte (Fortbildungen z.B. aus dem Bereich der Prävention) noch an.

Diese gesetzliche Regelung entspricht sinngleichen Regelungen in den Versorgungsverträgen gemäß § 125 Abs. 2 zwischen Krankenkassen und Leistungserbringern auf Landesebene. Dort ist aus nachvollziehbaren Gründen die Verpflichtung zur Fortbildung nicht auf den Praxisinhaber beschränkt, sondern trifft auch deren angestellte/freie Mitarbeiter in den ambulanten Praxen.

Wer der Fortbildungspflicht teilweise oder gar nicht nachkommt, muss mit Vergütungsabschlägen bzw. Vertragsstrafen rechnen.

Es gibt kein Anerkennungs-/Zertifizierungsverfahren für die Fortbildungsangebote. Dass die Fortbildung den entsprechenden Kriterien entspricht, liegt ausschließlich in der Verantwortung des Veranstalters. Dieser vergibt auch die entsprechenden Punkte.

Sollten Fortbildungsinhalte durch die Krankenkassen nicht anerkannt werden, besteht die Möglichkeit, nicht anerkannte Fortbildungen durch andere anerkannte Fortbildungen zu ersetzen. Konkret:

In § 4 Ziffer 9 des Rahmenvertrages mit den Ersatzkassen ist geregelt, dass der Zugelassene/fachliche Leiter, der die in § 4 i. V. mit Anlage 3 vereinbarte Fortbildungsverpflichtung nicht fristgerecht innerhalb des Betrachtungszeitraumes von 4 Jahren erfüllt, diese unverzüglich nachzuholen hat. Ergibt sich bei der Überprüfung durch die Landesvertretungen des vdek, dass der Fortbildungsverpflichtete die Fortbildungspunkte für jeden abgeschlossenen Betrachtungszeitraum ab dem 01.01.2008 dennoch ganz oder teilweise nicht nachweisen kann, weil eine Fortbildung nicht anerkannt wurde, so setzt ihm die Landesvertretung eine Nachfrist von 6 Monaten. Die sodann nachgeholten Fortbildungen werden nicht auf die laufende Fortbildungsverpflichtung angerechnet.

Ja, wir vergeben ein Zertifikat mit den benötigten Informationen zur Schulung. Hierfür bitten wir unsere Teilnehmer:Innen mit uns nach erfolgreichem Abschluss des Kurses Kontakt aufzunehmen. Bitte sende uns auch dein Geburtsdatum für das Zertifikat.

Dieses Zertifikat kann zum selbstständigen Nachweis der Fortbildungspflicht verwendet werden.

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