VISA-G Questionnaire

VISA-G Questionnaire
The Victorian Institute of Sport Assessment (VISA-) Gluteal (G) Questionnaire is a self-report clinical outcome measure used in patients with Greater trochanteric pain syndrome (GTPS). It consists of eight questions that measure the domains of pain, function in daily living, and sports activities.
Validity and Reliability
The Victorian Institute of Sport Assessment-Gluteal (VISA-G) questionnaire is a patient-reported outcome measure tool specifically designed to measure the severity of disability associated with greater trochanteric pain syndrome (GTPS) (Fearon et al. 2015). The VISA-G questionnaire has been translated and validated in various languages, including German, Brazilian Portuguese, Italian, Turkish, French, and Danish (Lohrer 2010, Paiva et al. 2021, Minetto et al. 2020, Citaker et al. 2022, Beaudart et al. 2021, Jorgensen et al. 2020). The VISA-G questionnaire has high psychometric properties for measuring pain, function, and sporting activity in patients with GTPS (Fearon et al. 2015). However, a recent systematic review evaluating the content and structural validity evidence of the VISA questionnaires showed very-low-quality evidence for their content and structural validity (Korakakis et al. 2021). Despite this, the VISA-G questionnaire remains a widely used tool in research and clinical practice for evaluating patients with GTPS.
Scoring and Interpretation
- Question 1 receives a VAS rating of 0 to 10. (10 is optimal health)
- The 5 categories on questions 2 through 6 can be scored as 0, 2, 5, 7, or 10.
- The 4 categories on question 7 can be scored as 0, 4, 7, or 10.
- Question 8 is graded according to how long the patient can train in spite of their current level of pain.
The maximum score for an asymptomatic person is 100; theoretically, the smallest score is 0.
VISA-G Online Calculator
Copyright Notice
When available, sources are cited, and the tool’s developer retains ownership of the intellectual property. We consider that the modification and creation of these tools into dynamic, interactive, online scoring calculators is fair usage. Please email us if you believe we have violated your copyright so we can take down the offending material.