Questionnaire Knee Impairments & Limitations 21 Feb 2023

Tegner Lysholm Knee Score

International Knee Documentation Committee (IKDC)

Tegner Lysholm Knee Score

The Lysholm Knee Score is a questionnaire consisting of 8 items that the patient completes together with the therapist. The questionnaire is designed to assess the degree of knee instability at both impairment and limitation levels. A high score on the Lysholm score list corresponds to a low degree of knee instability. To supplement this score list, an activity scale (known as Tegner Activity Level Score) can be used.


Validity and Reliability

Briggs et al. (2009) report that the Lysholm (ICC = 0.9) and Tegner (ICC = 0.8) scores had satisfactory test-retest reliability. For Lysholm and Tegner, the smallest detectable change was 8.9 and 1, respectively. The Lysholm had acceptable internal consistency. The Tegner correlated with the Short Form-12 (r =0.2) while the Lysholm correlated with the IKDC (r =0.8) and the Short Form-12 (r =0.4). Both scores had acceptable floor and ceiling effects. Furthermore, the Lysholm and Tegner scores were responsive to change at every moment in time.


Scoring and Interpretation

The Lysholm Knee Score calculates and grades an overall score from 0 to 100 based on 8 domains: squatting, locking, pain, stair climbing, support, instability, and edema. Physicians use this condition-specific, subjective outcome score to assess patient progress after surgery or injury to the knee. Scores between 95 and 100 are regarded as exceptional, 84 and 94 as acceptable, 65 to 83 as fair, and less than 65 as poor. These values, however, are not predicated on validated normative data because such data have not been examined. The Lysholm scale, which was initially created for the evaluation of knee ligament injuries, has been applied to a number of knee disorders.

The Tegner activity scale is a numerical scale with values ranging from 0 to 10, each of which represents a different activity. An individual is regarded to have an activity level of 10 if they engage in high competitive sports like rugby, football, and soccer. An individual who engages in the aforementioned sports recreationally is regarded as having an activity level of 6. A person with knee issues who is on sick leave or receiving a disability pension is regarded as having an activity level of 0. The Tegner activity scale’s psychometric characteristics have been the subject of numerous investigations (Briggs et al. 2009-2)

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Briggs, K. K., Lysholm, J., Tegner, Y., Rodkey, W. G., Kocher, M. S., & Steadman, J. R. (2009). The reliability, validity, and responsiveness of the Lysholm score and Tegner activity scale for anterior cruciate ligament injuries of the knee: 25 years later. The American journal of sports medicine, 37(5), 890–897. 

Briggs, K. K., Steadman, J. R., Hay, C. J., & Hines, S. L. (2009). Lysholm score and Tegner activity level in individuals with normal knees. The American journal of sports medicine, 37(5), 898–901. 

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