Copenhagen Hip and Groin Outcome Score (HAGOS)

Copenhagen Hip and Groin Outcome Score (HAGOS)
The Copenhagen Hip and Groin Outcome score is a 37-item questionnaire to assess pain, symptoms, physical function in daily living, physical function in sport and recreation, participation in physical activities and quality of life in patients with hip and groin problems (Thorborg et al. 2011).
Validity and Reliability
The HAGOS has been validated in athletes, including football players, with and without hip and/or groin pain, and is therefore a relevant tool to include in the investigation of severity of hip and groin pain and injury (Carolan et al. 2022). The HAGOS has been shown to discriminate between football players with and without groin pain (Schoffl et al. 2021). The HAGOS questionnaire is capable of measuring the severity of hip and groin pain and function specifically related to sports like football (Carolan et al. 2022, Dowson et al. 2015). The HAGOS is a valid, reliable, and responsive tool for assessing hip and groin disability in athletes with hip and/or groin pain (O’Brien et al. 2019). The HAGOS questionnaire has been cross-culturally adapted and validated in different languages and cultures (Christensen et al. 2022, Cao et al. 2018, Tak et al. 2018).
Scoring and Interpretation
The HAGOS questionnaire consists of 6 subscales: Symptoms, Pain, ADL, Sport/Rec, PA, and QOL. Each subscale is scored separately based on the standardized answer options provided, with each question receiving a score from 0 to 4. The scores are then summed up to calculate the subscale scores, which are transformed to a 0-100 scale. A score of 0 represents severe hip and/or groin problems, while a score of 100 represents no hip and/or groin problems. The scores between 0 and 100 represent the percentage of total possible score achieved. The subscales are analyzed and interpreted separately, and an aggregate score is not calculated .
HAGOS Online Calculator
Copyright Notice
When available, sources are cited, and the tool’s developer retains ownership of the intellectual property. We consider that the modification and creation of these tools into dynamic, interactive, online scoring calculators is fair usage. Please email us if you believe we have violated your copyright so we can take down the offending material.