Podcast Elbow Podcast 4 May 2024

Beyond Tennis Elbow: A Deep Dive into Lateral Elbow Tendinopathy

Lateral Elbow Tendinopathy



00:00 Intro

00:44 Definition of lateral elbow tendinopathy

05:39 Why Inflammation is inaccurate

11:49 Risk factors

13:46 The typical patient

17:34 Red Flags

27:30 Diagnostic tests

29:49 Leanne’s Diagnostic Approach

32:27 Treatment

38:15 Details on Isometric Loading

49:29 Other treatments

54:02 Treatment Progressions

58:45 How much pain to allow

01:01:28 Shockwave and Dry Needling

01:03:56 Elbow Braces

01:05:50 Contact Info

01:06:58 Outro


Leanne bisset

Dr. Leanne Bisset

Dr. Leanne Bisset is a musculoskeletal physiotherapist and an associate professor at Griffith University at the gold coast, Australia. She has published over 100 papers on a variety of topics and has done extensive research on lateral epicondylalgia.


In this podcast episode, Dr. Leanne Bisset, a musculoskeletal physiotherapist and associate professor at Griffith University, shares valuable insights on lateral epicondylalgia, also known as lateral elbow tendinopathy. She discusses the anatomy and function of the affected muscles, highlighting the importance of stability in wrist movements and the role of the extensor carpi radialis brevis. Dr. Bisset emphasizes the shift in terminology from epicondylitis to tendinopathy, debunking misconceptions around inflammation in the condition and providing a comprehensive overview of diagnostic considerations, risk factors, and red flags to look for during assessment.

Furthermore, Dr. Bisset delves into the management of lateral elbow tendinopathy, emphasizing the significance of tailored exercise programs focusing on isometric loading initially, progressing to incorporate global upper limb strengthening for comprehensive rehabilitation. She also addresses the limited efficacy of modalities like shockwave therapy and the potential benefits of orthoses in pain management. Dr. Bisset’s evidence-based approach underscores the importance of patient education, individualized treatment plans, and monitoring pain responses to optimize outcomes in the management of lateral epicondylalgia.


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