Masterclass Head/Neck 3 Feb 2024

Cervicogenic Dizziness

Lecturer: Julia Treleaven

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The masterclass discusses the role of the cervical spine in dizziness, focusing on proprioceptive dizziness caused by issues in the neck. Julia explains the complex interplay between the cervical spine and various systems, such as the vestibular and visual systems, and how these interactions can lead to dizziness. The masterclass highlights the importance of differentiating between different types of cervical-related dizziness, such as those caused by vascular issues or autonomic nervous system involvement. Julia emphasizes that altered sensorimotor control due to cervical musculoskeletal disorders can lead to dizziness and visual disturbances, and the neck can compensate for deficits in other systems.


The masterclass also underscores the need for precise assessment and clinical reasoning to determine the role of the cervical spine in dizziness. Julia outlines various tests and techniques to assess sensorimotor control and differentiate cervicogenic dizziness from other types. She also stresses the importance of understanding whether the neck plays a major or minor role in dizziness for effective management. Treatment strategies include normalizing afferent input and tailored sensorimotor control exercises. The masterclass concludes by noting the importance of addressing the cervical spine correctly to ensure cost-effective and beneficial treatments for patients.


Julia is a Lecturer and a Senior Researcher in the Whiplash and Neck Pain Research Unit at the University of Queensland. In 2004 she completed her PhD focusing on the necks influence on dizziness, head and eye movement control and postural stability in whiplash injuries. Since then she has continued her research in this area and has published many articles on these topics.


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