Clinical Pattern Shoulder Shoulder 16 May 2024

AC Joint Pain

AC Joint Pain

Introduction & Epidemiology

  • The clavicle plays a crucial role in supporting and mobilizing the upper extremity, connecting it to the trunk and protecting subclavian vessels and the brachial plexus.
  • Intra-articular disk between the clavicle and acromion helps correct bony incongruities but can degenerate over time.
  • Injuries and arthritis are common causes of AC joint (ACJ) pain, with arthritis often resulting from constant stress on the joint, particularly in those who perform repeated overhead lifting activities.

Diagnosis & Classification

  • Important to rule out clavicular fractures or severe AC joint separation during screening.
  • AC joint separations graded based on the Rockwood classification (I-VI), with grades I-III managed conservatively and grades IV-VI managed surgically.

Clinical Picture

  • AC arthritis presents with progressively worsening shoulder pain, exacerbated by minor trauma or strenuous activity.
  • Pain typically located anteriorly over the shoulder or referred to the shoulder and upper arm, worsened by overhead activities, weight lifting, and cross-body movements.
  • Night pain, popping, clicking, grinding, and catching sensation with shoulder movement are common; careful history of trauma or injuries important for diagnosis.


  • Painful arc from 170°-180° of flexion/abduction
  • Orthopedic tests: Paxino sign, AC Shear Test, AC Resisted Extension Test, AC Joint Line Tenderness
  • Higher validity to combine tests in cluster of which 2 are described in the literature


  • Nonoperative management is first-line, including rest, activity modification, NSAIDs, corticosteroid injections, and physical therapy.
  • Activity modification essential to prevent symptom re-aggravation; physical therapy aims to improve strength and range of motion.
  • No clear evidence on effectiveness of steroid injections; surgery considered for severe ongoing symptoms unresponsive to conservative therapy, with arthroscopic surgery becoming more common.

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